
Just Breathe

Inspired by Stef's Top Ten lists of whattnot .. here's my own version of top ten .. sfc songs of praise and worship. I was cleaning my room the other day and found this old copy of GLORY ( Special Edition ) that my mentor gave me during my CLP graduation. I was trying to familiarize myself with most of the lyrics and tunes and what an amazing feeling having to sing them all again.

Read on and sing with me, shall we?

10. I offer my Life ~ All that I am, all that I have, I lay them down before you oh Lord. All my regrets, all my acclaim. The joy and the pain, I'm making them yours.

9. My Life is in You ~ My life is in You Lord, my strength is in You Lord, my hope is in You Lord. In You, is in You.

8. Sure Foundation ~ Lord we are Your children chosen and called by Your name. With one heart and purpose we gather. To glorify You and proclaim. That You Lord are a sure foundation, we will not be afraid.

7. God is the Strength of my Heart ~  Whom have I in heaven but You? There is nothing on Earth I desire besides you. My heart and my strength, many times they fail. But there is one truth, that always will prevail.

6. Shine Jesus Shine ~ Shine Jesus shine. Fill this land with the Father's glory. Blaze, Spirit blaze,. Set our hearts on fire. Flow, river flow. Flood the nations with grace and mercy. Send forth Your word. Lord and let there be light. 

5. You are my God ~ For You are my God, yes You are my Lord. All praise and thanksgiving. Your love and kindness shall last for all time. All my praises I will give to you.

4. Victory to our King ~ All glory unto You, this battle cry we sing. That victory belongs to Him. Victory to our King.

3. Redeeming Love ~ I come boldly, trusting only Your redeeming love. Flowing freely, from your side now, Your atoning blood. Like a river, like a fountain, like a cleansing flood. I pour out my worship to You, for Your redeeming love.

2. Prepare the Way ~ Prepare the way, prepare the way for our redeemer. Prepare the way, prepare the way for our restorer. Make ready your heart. Make ready your home. Make ready the people of God. Prepare the way.

1. We'll be Faithful ~ And we'll be faithful to our calling, For You are able to keep us from falling. For in Your promise, we will trust. You'll be faithful to finish the work You began in us.

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