
Keep Burning

In my friendster blog I've mentioned about the wind :

In a world that I seldom understand, there are winds of destiny that blow when we least expect them. Sometimes, they gust with the fury of a hurricane.

Then.. I remembered reading about an article about the hurricane in Florida back in August twenty-ow-four...

It's about hurricane Charley that flattened communities in Florida with it's 289 kilometer per hour winds that turned into tragic tales of individuals who lost their loved ones and homes. And as always, in the midst of misfortune, the human spirit shone and people gave generously, heroically.

But it wasn't the tales of tragedy or heroism that touched my heart. It was the story that happened at the Sacred Heart Church in Punta Gorda, the area that suffered the most devastation from the hurricane, didn't survived Charley either. The stained glass, windows were shattered, the roof on the rear of the church was gone and so was one wall from the side of the building. But while glass, wood and concrete couldn't stand up against Charley's onslaught... miraculously, the tabernacle door remained intact. If you think that's incredible... get this : the candle beside the tabernacle stayed lit !!!!!

I pondered in amazement over that. Many roofs in Florida homes could stand only up to 160 kilometer-per-hour winds. And yet, here was a tiny flickering flame which could usually be extinguished with a puff or a spit - that kept burning in winds more than double the speed!

And when I thought about the hurricanes that loomed in my life... they may appeared menacing, dark, capable of pulling me down and leaving me flat on the ground. Before them, I agonized over the thought of being whipped by the winds of trial, knowing that the tests I faced were greater than my actual strength. I cowered in fear as I anticipated the cold rains drowning my spirit, drenching my will to fight.

Then suddenly... I felt like I need to be like that candle in the tabernacle. The flurry no longer held a threat because BIG, MIGHTY HANDS of GOD cupped my tiny flame. And after the storms had passed, my candle still lit.

That's the realization and message of hope I want to share with my friends.

It was a dark and silent night when Jesus came into this world like a tiny flickering flame. Many wanted to extinguish His fire but none succeeded.

As you follow Him, there will be as many things that will attempt to blew you off. But stay close to the tabernacle, stay lit and keep burning. And let God calm the storm.

(Matthew 8:26)
But Jesus answered, "O you men of little faith! Why are you so frightened?" Then he stood up and rebuked the winds and waves, and the storm subsided and all was calm.

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